The Moderation Effect of Allowance for Impairment of Credit Losses Toward Credit Growth and Profitability
Credit growth, non-performing loans, ROA, Allowance For Impairment Of Credit Losses, banks, Indonesia stock exchange, Credit growth, non-performing loans, ROA, Allowance For Impairment Of Credit Losses, banks, Indonesia Stock ExchangeAbstract
This study aims to examine the Allowance For Impairment Of Credit Losses in moderating the relationship between credit growth and non-performing loans to profitability. The population in this study are all commercial banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2019-2022. purposive sampling is the sampling method used in this study. data were analyzed by PLS-SEM. The test results show that credit has an effect on ROA while NPL does not. Allowance For Impairment Of Credit Losses moderates the relationship between NPL and ROA.
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