The Effect of Entrepreneurship, Social Media, and Partnership Orientation on Marketing Performance through Competitive Advantage (In Small and Medium Enterprises Malang Regency)
Entrepreneurial Orientation, Social Media, Partnership, Marketing Performance, Competitive AdvantageAbstract
The purpose of this study is to ascertain how partnerships, social media, and an entrepreneurial mindset affect marketing performance. Additionally, this study looked at how competitive advantage functions as a mediator in the connections between partnerships, social media use, entrepreneurial orientation and business performance. This quantitative study of small and medium-sized businesses in the Malang Regency uses an explanatory research methodology. The small and medium-sized businesses in Malang Regency make up the study's population. The sample utilized in this study consisted of 246 respondents and the sampling technique employed the Sample Size Calculator with a population percentage of 80%, a confidence level of 95%, and a margin of error of 5%. The major data used in the study was gathered through the dissemination of surveys both online and offline. Software called SmartPLS 3.2 is used to aid SEM-PLS in data analysis. The findings of this study demonstrate that social media and entrepreneurial orientation have a favourable and significant impact on marketing success. Although there is no discernible impact on marketing performance from the collaboration. The study also discovered that the relationship between entrepreneurial approach, social media, and partnerships on business performance is mediated by competitive advantage
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