Analysis of The Financial Performance of Regional Development Planning Agencies (BAPPEDA) A Study in Serang City, Indonesia


  • Muhammad Nawawi Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
  • Chandra Prasadhita Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
  • Noviyanti Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa



Financial performance, Expenditure coherence and growth, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Variance


This research aims to assess the Financial Performance of regional development planning agencies (BAPPEDA) Serang City government during 2020-2022. This financial performance measurement is more focused on the budget realization report (LRA). Based on expenditure analysis, namely expenditure compatibility analysis which is divided into direct expenditure and indirect expenditure, expenditure growth analysis, expenditure effectiveness analysis, expenditure efficiency analysis and expenditure variance analysis. The results of the analysis show that the financial performance of the BAPPEDA from 2020-2022 seen from the analysis of expenditure compatibility shows poor financial performance, because the total indirect expenditure is 66% and for direct expenditure is 34%, so it can be said that it has not paid attention to regional development. From the analysis of expenditure growth is said to be good, with an overall value of 5%. Judging from the ratio of the effectiveness of budget use is said to be effective with a total of 96%. Judging from the efficiency ratio, it is said to be efficient with a total of 33%. From the analysis of expenditure variances it is said to be good, with a total overall comparison of 96%. So in this case BAPPEDA has been able to make budget savings.


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How to Cite

Nawawi, M., Prasadhita, C., & Noviyanti, N. (2023). Analysis of The Financial Performance of Regional Development Planning Agencies (BAPPEDA) A Study in Serang City, Indonesia. Journal of Applied Business, Taxation and Economics Research, 3(1), 109–120.