The Effect of Entrepreneurship Education and Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy on Entrepreneurial Intention of Students of Pondok Pesantren Mambaul Ulum Banyuwangi with Islamic Values as An Intervening Variable
Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurial self-efficacy, Islamic Values, Entrepreneurial IntentionAbstract
Entrepreneurship education in pesantren plays an important role in the birth of students with entrepreneurial character. The advantages and positive impacts of entrepreneurship education in boarding schools as described, are very relevant to support the government's agenda, especially in increasing the quantity of new entrepreneurs. This study uses a quantitative approach with Partial Least Squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) to predict and confirm the hypotheses given. This research uses Google Forms for data collection on Santri Pondok Pesantren Mambaul Ulum Banyuwangi. Respondents in this study were 230 respondents who were used as research objects. The results showed that Entrepreneurship Education cannot explain Entrepreneurial Intention directly. However, Entrepreneurship Education can explain Entrepreneurial self-efficacy directly, Entrepreneurial self-efficacy variables can explain Islamic Values and Entrepreneurial Intention. Furthermore, Islamic Values will have more influence on Entrepreneurial Intention, if strengthened by Islamic Values as a mediator variable. Meanwhile, Entrepreneurship Education will have more influence on Entrepreneurial Intention, even if it is strengthened by Islamic Values as a mediator variable
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